On the Usage of Boron Mines as Digital Money/Investment Tool

Özet Görüntüleme: 131 / PDF İndirme: 70




Anahtar Kelimeler:

Digital Money, Boron Mines, Investment Tool, Full Reserve Banking, Fractional Reserve Banking


The aim of this study is to reveal the usability of strategic minerals, especially boron, as digital money and to bring strategic natural resources such as boron, trona and rare earth elements as investment tools and digital money to the attention of society and decision makers and to raise awareness. Within the scope of this study, boron mine was discussed and an attempt was made to raise awareness about other mines in the example of boron mine. Boron mine is a strategic mine in which potential new usage areas will be revealed through R&D studies, in addition to its current widespread usage areas in a wide range of industries. 73% of the world's known visible measured reserves of boron mine are in Türkiye. One of the reasons why countries are most affected by economic crises is that the money released by the country's central banks does not have a one-to-one equivalent in metal or foreign currency in the central banks, that is, fractional reserve banking is the system applied in the world. In this study, the usability of boron mine in full reserve banking was evaluated within the economic paradigm, and the suitability of boron mine as both digital money and investment tool was tried to be revealed. As a result of the study, it was revealed that boron mine is suitable and suitable for full reserve banking and can be used as digital money. It is also predicted that such an application will contribute to the change in the investment habits of Turkish people and that under-the-pillow gold investments will decrease significantly. Therefore, it is predicted that a significant portion of the capital waiting idle under the pillow will be directed to investment. It has also been concluded that by using boron as a digital currency, R&D studies on boron will be increased, with the advantage that a significant portion of the world's reserves are in Türkiye, and the boron market will grow accordingly. Most importantly, it has been concluded that the country's economy will gain resistance, especially against externally focused crises, and the country will have a stronger economy.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Vural, A. (2023). On the Usage of Boron Mines as Digital Money/Investment Tool. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(31), 19–36. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10445320




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