Examination of Workflows in Fruit Juice Factories in Terms of Occupational Health, Worker Safety and Ergonomics

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Fruit Juice Production, Occupational Health and Worker Safety, Ergonomics


Fruit juice factories operate with complex workflows that heavily rely on water usage to enhance productivity and ensure superior product quality. However, these processes come with significant risks concerning occupational health and worker safety. This article aims to address the workflows of fruit juice factories from the perspectives of occupational health, worker safety, and ergonomics.

This study focuses on mitigating water-related risks, particularly the risk of slipping in areas with intense water usage. Measures such as proper drainage systems, non-slip flooring, and the provision of slip-resistant personal protective equipment are emphasized. Additionally, it underscores the importance of orderly waste collection and discourages leaving hoses scattered to enhance worker safety.

The article points out that employees working for extended periods in the same positions during the processing and storage of fruits and vegetables can lead to muscle and joint problems. Therefore, it highlights the vital significance of ergonomic precautions. The study also delves into the effects of repetitive tasks such as carrying crates on worker health and underscores the importance of regular breaks.

Moreover, it underscores that fruit juice factories typically fall into a low-risk category and regular training sessions on occupational health and worker safety are consistently provided. The article highlights the significance of regular inspections and the periodic review of workflow to maintain a culture of occupational health and worker safety.

This study examines the measures that fruit juice factories can adopt to reduce occupational health and worker safety risks, emphasizing the potential of these measures in safeguarding worker health and safety.


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How to Cite

Külekçi, G., & Meral, T. (2023). Examination of Workflows in Fruit Juice Factories in Terms of Occupational Health, Worker Safety and Ergonomics. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(31), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10444484


