Detection of Housing Water Consumption in Kilis by Measurements Made from the Mains

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Kilis, Water supply, Water consumption, Drinking Water, Water losses


In Kilis, 92.34% of the water distributed from the water network is consumed in residences (Öztürk & Kılınç, 2019). For this reason, it is necessary to present the domestic water consumption data in a more reliable way in order to use the existing water resources efficiently and to calculate the future water needs more realistically. In this study, domestic water consumption in Kilis was examined by making measurements from the water distribution network and subscriber meters. While the daily water consumption values per capita in the city are 27-73 l/k/g according to the measurements made from the subscriber meters, it has been determined as 44-146 l/k/g according to the measurements made from the water distribution network. Accordingly, water loss and leakage rates were found to be between 37-50%. The daily water consumption per capita in the province is 92 l/k/g according to the network measurements, and 52 l/k/g according to the meter readings, and the loss and leakage rate has been determined as 44%.


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How to Cite

Öztürk, Y., & İbrahim Abama, H. (2023). Detection of Housing Water Consumption in Kilis by Measurements Made from the Mains. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(29), 120–127.


