About the Journal
The Name of Journal: Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural &Medical Sciences
Founded in: 2014
ISSN: 2667-6702
Class: International Index and International Referee
Publishing Periods: March, May, July, September, November, December
Release Language: Turkish (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkey Turkish), English, Russian, Chinese
Publisher of Journal: IEDSR Association
- Dr. Almaz AHMETOV (Azerbaijan Ministry of Health)
- Dr. Hüseyin ERİŞ (Harran University)
- Dr. Mehriban EMEK, Adıyaman University
- Dr. Nurlan AKHMETOV (Akhmet Yassawi University)
Review Process: Double-blind referees
Current Issue
Vol. 11 No. 37 (2024)
Comparison of the Performances of Machine Learning Algorithms Using WEKA Feature Selection Methods"
Abstract views: 112 /
PDF downloads: 58
Mathematical analysis of the effects of some selected factors on the Crude Divorce Rate by using ANN and ODE
Abstract views: 77 /
PDF downloads: 24
Investigation of The Historical and Cultural Buildings of Kilis Province Affected by The Current Earthquakes
Abstract views: 86 /
PDF downloads: 26
Roper, Logan ve Tierney’ in Yaşam Aktiviteleri Bakım Modeli Doğrultusunda “Ameliyat Öncesi Yaşlı Değerlendirme Formu”nun Hemşirelik Bakımına Etkisi
Abstract views: 250 /
PDF downloads: 48
Fire Risks and Occupational Safety in Historical Structures a Study on Challenges and Solutions
Abstract views: 69 /
PDF downloads: 23
Genotoxicity of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticle in Rat Bone Marrow Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis-Micronucleus Test
Abstract views: 92 /
PDF downloads: 24