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  • Sümeyye AKBABA Gazi Üniversitesi Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Ana Bilim Dalı
  • Özge Yalçıner ERCOŞKUN Gazi Üniversitesi Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Ana Bilim Dalı


Ecological Design, Central Ankara Project, Sustainability


Ecological planning and design is a requirement for socially, economically and environmentally sustainable cities. Improving efficiency and capability while using natural resources, reducing harmful wastes, recycling waste, developing public transportation systems, using efficient renewable renewable energy resources, forming the form within the efficiency and threshold capability in urban planning are the criteria that can form the basis of ecological planning. In this context; The main objective is to design a living space that is sustainable and compatible with human needs in all aspects especially in the recent projects. For this purpose, the Central Ankara Project was chosen for its location in the Yenimahalle district of Ankara, in the neighborhood of Istasyon, due to its proximity to areas such as the national garden, the railway station and its location in a prestigious area. In this study; The Central Ankara Project, is evaluated according to the ecological urban design principles from general to specific, from site selection to transportation, from building forms to shadow analyzes.


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How to Cite

AKBABA, S., & ERCOŞKUN, Özge Y. (2019). CENTRAL ANKARA PROJECT AND ECOLOGICAL URBAN DESIGN. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 6(7), 76–94. Retrieved from https://euroasiajournal.org/index.php/ejas/article/view/481


