Assessment of Workplace and Demographic Characteristics of Agrochemical Markets in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey

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Agrochemical markets, Turkey, Southeastern Anatolia Region, Population Characteristics, Workplace Characteristics


This study conducted in Southeastern Anatolia Region in 2021-2022 aimed to evaluate the workplace and population characteristics of agrochemical markets in the region and thus contribute to agricultural production and activities, which hold an important place in our country's and region's economy. A survey was conducted with 120 randomly selected agrochemical markets in our study area. According to the findings, 72% of the interviewed dealers were male, and 28% were female personnel. 53% of them were business owners and 47% were employees. 57% of the interviewed dealers were in the age range of 28-38, 4% were in the age range of 18-28, and there were no business owners/operators above 58 years of age. Furthermore, 53% of the dealers had been in the business for 1-6 years, 25% for 7-16 years, and 22% for 17-26 years. It was determined that 31% of the dealers graduated from the Plant Protection Department, 27% from the Field Crops Department, and 14% from the Horticulture Department, while 28% were graduates of faculties or higher schools in Agriculture Machinery, Agricultural Economics, Organic Agriculture, etc. Moreover, 5% of the interviewed dealers were technicians, and 18% were technologists. It was found that 76% of the interviewed dealers had no post-graduate education, 18% were pursuing a master's degree, and 6% had a master's degree.


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How to Cite

Akat, O., & Ölmez Bayhan, S. (2023). Assessment of Workplace and Demographic Characteristics of Agrochemical Markets in Southeastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(29), 110–119.


