Use of Motivational Interviewing in Problematic Internet Use

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Motivational Interviewing, Problematic Internet Use, Psychosocial Intervention


Problematic internet use consists of behavioral and cognitive symptoms that cause both academic and social negative consequences for the individual. Problematic internet use is a multidimensional syndrome. Motivational interviewing is one of the methods used to change problematic behavior and is applied in many areas. With this intervention method, the individual is helped to discover and solve their problems. In motivational interviewing, a client-centered approach is adopted in which advice is given to ensure behavioral change in the individual. For individuals, lifestyle changes and traditional advice to change problematic behavior have remained ineffective. For this reason, it is very important to know and apply the motivational interview, which is a short and effective intervention method. In this context, it is important for the person who will apply the intervention to know the motivational interview techniques in detail, and to include the individual to be included in the motivational interview and to carry out the staging phase in the follow-up of his progress. Motivational interviewing is used by many different health professionals. In this study, the application of motivational interviewing techniques and stages in individuals with problematic internet use is clearly discussed.


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How to Cite

Altun, E., & Demir, S. (2023). Use of Motivational Interviewing in Problematic Internet Use. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(28), 156–164.


