Assessing Pesticide Residue Levels in Fresh Grapes Grown in Siirt Province (Türkiye) and Selected Districts

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LC-MSMS, Grape, Pesticide, Residue


This study aims to evaluate the residue levels of grape samples collected from vineyards in Siirt province and certain districts with intensive viticulture. Samples were obtained from 25 different vineyards in three districts of Siirt (Şirvan, Tillo, Merkez), and a screening was conducted for 255 pesticide active ingredients. The obtained results were compared with the pesticide concentration ranges determined by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, published in the Official Gazette.

In the samples collected from Siirt city center, a total of 40 different pesticide active ingredients were detected in six samples, but the values were found to be significantly below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) range. In the samples from Tillo district, 30 different pesticide active ingredients below the MRL range were identified in four vineyards. As for the samples from Şirvan district, 86 different pesticide active ingredients were detected in 15 samples. Only one sample exceeded the acceptable MRL range (Malathion active ingredient), while 85 pesticides were found to be within the acceptable range.

The aim of this study was to shed light on residue issues in agricultural products and provide a foundation for future comprehensive studies. It attempts to present data that will contribute to a better understanding of residue problems and serve as a basis for more extensive research in the future.


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How to Cite

Gazioğlu Şensoy, R. İlknur, Esen, F., & Yilmaz, Y. (2023). Assessing Pesticide Residue Levels in Fresh Grapes Grown in Siirt Province (Türkiye) and Selected Districts. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(28), 232–240.


