Differences in Health Literacy Level in Terms of Covid-19 Vaccination Trends
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Health literacy, Covid-19, Vaccination tendency, Socio-demographic difference, HLS-14 health literacy scale, Validity and reliabilityAbstract
The low level of health literacy has become one of the prominent issues during the Covid-19 pandemic period. For this reason, it was aimed to determine the differences in the health literacy level of individuals in terms of Covid-19 vaccination tendencies and socio-demographic aspects.
The research includes the HLS-14 health literacy scale, which consists of functional, interactive and critical literacy sub-dimensions developed by Suka et al., (2013) and questions about the Covid-19 vaccination status of the participants. The population of the study consists of individuals between the ages of 18-65 living in the province of Konya within the scope of the Covid-19 vaccination program. In the study, 416 samples were obtained from patients who applied to a family health center in Konya between 1 December 2021 and 30 March 2022 using the non-probabilistic convenience sampling method.
In the study, the HLS-14 health literacy scale was found to be a valid and reliable scale. The average level of general health literacy of the participants is close to low as 2.10. In the study, 76.7% of the individuals were vaccinated against Covid-19; 43.3% preferred the two-dose Biontech vaccination method; 57.2% of them wanted to have the Turkovac vaccine; It was concluded that 54.8% of them were not sick due to the virus. In addition, 59.6% of them were not vaccinated before the disease; 33.2% of them were undecided despite the necessity of vaccination; It was found that 75.5% of them think that getting Covid-19 disease may be more harmful than being vaccinated. Presence of chronic disease was found to be associated with the tendency to have the turkovac vaccine, the need for vaccination, and the view that catching the Covid-19 disease is more harmful. A relationship was found between the state of having the Covid-19 disease and the pre-disease Covid-19 vaccination status. A relationship was found between the necessity of being vaccinated in order not to get Covid-19 disease. Socio-demographic differences in health literacy and vaccination trends are widely covered in the article.
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