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Cittaslow, Sustainability, Local Development, Güdül – AnkaraAbstract
With the effect of globalization, cities are moving towards rapid growth and homogenization. In parallel with this rapid growth and homogenization, cities have become a center of consumption. This situation started to change the habits of the people living in the city. In 1986, the protest by the group led by Carlo Petrini during the opening of a Fast Food shop in Rome was the first reaction to this rapid life. In 1989, “Slow Food Association” was established in Barolo, Italy. After that, the movement has taken an urban dimension by growing, and in 1999, the “Cittaslow” was founded in Italy under the leadership of Paolo Saturnini, past Mayor of Greve in Chianti. This movement, which aims to increase the quality of life by preserving and maintaining the local values of the cities, has reached 252 members in 30 countries in 2019. In 2009, Seferihisar in İzmir, became Turkey's first Cittaslow title. Today, there are 17 cities participating in the Cittaslow. In addition to these cities, there are also cities that apply for candidacy to join this union. This study deals with the Güdül District of Ankara, which applied for the candidacy to join Cittaslow. The application of Güdül's candidacy has been examined within the framework of 72 criteria in the Cittaslow Regulation. Güdül's current status was determined and the suitability of the city for the candidacy was evaluated. It is aimed to determine the steps to be taken for membership of the Cittaslow Association. In this context, the projects carried out and planned to be done in Güdül during the candidacy process were examined and the value that these projects added to the city was determined. In the conclusion part, Strategies for similar candidate cities such as Güdül have been determined.
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