Adaptation of Li-Ion Battery Standards to Submarine Main Propulsion System

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Li-Ion battery, energy storage, submarine, safety standards


In parallel with technological developments, the energy demand of systems and devices used in submarines are increasing. Energy needs are met by energy storage systems in submerged submarines. However, important required features in submarines, such as having a long-submerged range, being able to carry out their operational duties without being seen by the enemy, being able to escape quickly from the enemy, and having a shorter battery charging time while at the surface, can be achieved by using battery technologies with high energy density. In this article, different battery technologies are compared with Li-Ion battery technology using characteristic parameters such as energy, power, efficiency and investment cost. High energy density Li-Ion battery technology, which is an alternative to lead acid batteries used to store energy in submarines in recent years, also provides advantages such as increasing the submersion time of submarines, reducing maintenance requirements and extending its lifespan. High energy density requires high standards of safety requirements in an environment such as a submarine. For this purpose, national Li-Ion battery standards used in current industrial applications (TS EN IEC 62619, TS EN 62620), national/international directives and technical documents (VG 96932-120, NAVSEA S9310-AQ-SAF-010, Türk Loydu and DNV) and safety test methods suitable for the submarine main propulsion system are determined.


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How to Cite

Baygın, N., Yeğin, E. M., & Karaarslan, K. (2024). Adaptation of Li-Ion Battery Standards to Submarine Main Propulsion System. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 11(32), 20–30.


