Effect of Blast Furnace Slag on Environmentally Friendly Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Bricks

Geopolymer brick, blast furnace slag, fly ash, sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxideAbstract
In this study, the objective is to produce fly ash based geopolymer bricks by using blast furnace slag, which is the waste of Karabük Iron and Steel Plant, and Seyitömer thermal power plant waste fly ash. Study, it is aimed to produce a geopolymer brick with superior physical and mechanical properties compared to regular bricks and better thermal properties. In accordance with this purpose, geopolymer bricks were produced based on fly ash (20%) and different proportions (10%, 30%, 50% and 70%) of blast furnace slag and 8 - 10 M sodium hydroxide and 4 - 8% calcium hydroxide concentrations. The samples were subjected to unit volume weight, water absorption (by weight), compressive strength and flexural tensile strength tests. SEM images of the samples were also taken for microstructure analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that with the increase in the ratio of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, a more amorphous structure was obtained, the amount of water absorption decreased and the compressive strength increased. Furthermore, it was determined that waste can be used in the production of geopolymer bricks, which is a very proper method for waste disposal.
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