Investigation of Factors that Prevent Integration of Building Information Modeling and Enterprise Resource Planning in the Construction Industry

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Building Information Modeling, Enterprise Resource Planning, Project Management, Construction Industry


Building Information Modeling (BIM), which has revolutionized the construction industry, is becoming more widespread day by day and offers many advantages to the stakeholders in the industry. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), on the other hand, is one of the most important systems that enables the actors in different branches of the industry to create a more advanced and transparent system and to use their resources in the most effective and efficient way. While many sectors have achieved important developments in ERP, the construction sector has lagged behind in this regard. While it is possible to create a more advanced construction project management and easier planning with BIM, the integration of this system with ERP will bring many advantages to the sector. However, there are many factors that limit this integration. In this study, the roles of BIM and ERP in the construction sector were examined by benefiting from document and content analysis as well as the obstacles to this integration were discussed. In addition, the BIM cooperation process was examined. As a result, it has been argued that issues such as the different system structures of BIM and ERP, the lack of integration plans, standards and database investment costs, resistance to change are important problems in this integration. On the other hand, an integration plan was proposed within the scope of the study, and the importance of establishing the BIM&ERP working group, the integration standard and the creation of the database was emphasized.


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How to Cite

Tekin, H., & Atabay, Şenay. (2022). Investigation of Factors that Prevent Integration of Building Information Modeling and Enterprise Resource Planning in the Construction Industry. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 9(23), 87–97.


