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  • Alper K. DEMIR Dept. of Computer Engineering Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University
  • Sedat BILGILI Dept. of Computer Engineering Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

RPL, CoAP, Low Power and Lossy Networks, OF0, MRHOF


Low Power and Lossy Networks defines a network structure which consists of contrained devices.
Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are highly challenging networks as they are extremely
resource constrained in terms of processing power, memory and energy, such as battery. LLNs are
intrinsically deployed in harsh environments and commonly show unstable low bandwidth, high
packet loss and link failures. It is expected that LLNs will bring new innovative applications into our
lives. On the other hand, it is not possible to use standardized internet protocols because LLN devices
are weak in terms of memory and processing power. As a result, IETF formed 6LoWPAN WG and
ROLL WG to bridge LLNs with the Internet. ROLL WG standardized RPL for the routing needs of
LLNs. RPL leverages different Objective Functions (OFs) to construct RPL topology. Further, IETF
standardized CoAP application layer protocol for the data exchange needs of LLN nodes. Also,
because there are restricted devices in LLN networks, heavy protocols such as TCP cannot be used.
Mechanisms such as congestion control implemented by TCP are operated with applications such as
CoAP in the application layer in networks consisting of restricted devices. How RPL OFs will perform
when CoAP is used at application layer is not broadly investigated area. Like so, in this work, we
evaluated different OFs of RPL where LLN nodes run CoAP for data exchange. MRHOF and OF0, the
two most commonly used Objective Functions in RPL, were considered in the evaluations in this
study. Our results indicate that Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function (MRHOF)
demonstrate better results than Objective Function Zero (OF0).

Yazar Biyografisi

Sedat BILGILI, Dept. of Computer Engineering Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University

Low Power and Lossy Networks defines a network structure which consists of contrained devices.
Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are highly challenging networks as they are extremely
resource constrained in terms of processing power, memory and energy, such as battery. LLNs are
intrinsically deployed in harsh environments and commonly show unstable low bandwidth, high
packet loss and link failures. It is expected that LLNs will bring new innovative applications into our
lives. On the other hand, it is not possible to use standardized internet protocols because LLN devices
are weak in terms of memory and processing power. As a result, IETF formed 6LoWPAN WG and
ROLL WG to bridge LLNs with the Internet. ROLL WG standardized RPL for the routing needs of
LLNs. RPL leverages different Objective Functions (OFs) to construct RPL topology. Further, IETF
standardized CoAP application layer protocol for the data exchange needs of LLN nodes. Also,
because there are restricted devices in LLN networks, heavy protocols such as TCP cannot be used.
Mechanisms such as congestion control implemented by TCP are operated with applications such as
CoAP in the application layer in networks consisting of restricted devices. How RPL OFs will perform
when CoAP is used at application layer is not broadly investigated area. Like so, in this work, we
evaluated different OFs of RPL where LLN nodes run CoAP for data exchange. MRHOF and OF0, the
two most commonly used Objective Functions in RPL, were considered in the evaluations in this
study. Our results indicate that Minimum Rank with Hysteresis Objective Function (MRHOF)
demonstrate better results than Objective Function Zero (OF0).


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

K. DEMIR, A., & BILGILI, S. (2019). PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RPL OBJECTIVE FUNCTIONS WITH CoAP IN LOW POWER AND LOSSY NETWORKS. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 6(7), 33–39. Geliş tarihi gönderen


