Overview of Basic Sanitation in Maccini Baji Hamlet Takalar District in 2022

Özet Görüntüleme: 245 / PDF İndirme: 108


  • Yusma Indah Jayadi Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Yudi Adnan Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Tiara Hasdin Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Siti Izzah Fauziah Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
  • Annisa Nuryasmin Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Basic Sanitation, Maccini Baji Hamlet, SPAL, Latrine


Sanitation of a clean and healthy environment is very important in the prevention of various diseases and can improve the health status of the community. This research is observational using a descriptive approach that describes the condition of environmental sanitation. Data was collected by using interview techniques and also direct observation using a questionnaire. The study population was all heads of families (KK) living in the hamlet of Maccini Baji, Ujung Baji Village, Sanrobone District, Takalar Regency totaling 135 families. Respondents in this study amounted to 135 houses stairs . Of the 135 households, 68.9% used tap water (PDAM) as a source of drinking water, 10.4% did not have a latrine, 81.5% households using public toilets if latrines are not available, 85.2% do not have SPAL, 54.1% dispose of waste water around the house, 31.1% no trash can, 71.1% have the type of open trash can, 44.4% of waste handling methods are disposed of into rivers or seas or ditches, 20.7% do not have a septic tank, 96.3% frequency of cleaning livestock cages per month is 0-15 times, and 50.4% has ventilation with an area of <10% floor area. Directions and motivations from the local government regarding the availability of latrines, waste water sewers (SPAL), trash cans, septic tanks as well as counseling or socialization about waste handling and waste water disposal can be carried out at every village activity in collaboration with village cadres and Mutual cooperation activities can also be carried out regularly every month.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Jayadi, Y. I., Adnan, Y., Hasdin, T., Fauziah, S. I., & Nuryasmin, A. (2023). Overview of Basic Sanitation in Maccini Baji Hamlet Takalar District in 2022. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 10(27), 40–54. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7968934


