One-Day Experiences of Nursing Students with Stoma Bags: Social and Emotional Learning Example

Stoma Bags Awareness Study

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Intestinal stoma, stoma bag, awareness, nursing students


This study is an awareness study developed for nursing students to understand the physiological, psychological and social feelings of patients with stoma. The research was planned as a single group pre-test and post-test. Thirty three nursing students volunteered to participate in the study. Students were asked to wear the stoma bag during clinical practice. A 21-item questionnaire was used to evaluate the students' views and experiences about the stoma bag. This form was applied one day before insertion of the stoma bag and immediately after removal. Number, percentage and chi-square tests were used to evaluate the data. It is seen that the number of students who stated their feelings of sadness, fear and discomfort after the application increased compared to before the application. Most of the students did not want to share the presence of stoma with their friends due to "embarrassment and shyness" (21.0%). The students stated that after removing the stoma bag, they felt highly relieved (63.6%) and prayed to God (24.2%) because they were healthy. The findings of the students' experiences show that they understand these patients. Nursing is a profession that requires compassion and empathy and adopts a holistic approach to the patient. Nursing is a profession that requires compassion and empathy and adopts a holistic approach to the patient. It is recommended to carry out such studies in terms of individual development and improving the patient-nurse relationship.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Kılıç, M., Kılıç, B. A., Doğan, Z., & Meteris, Çisem. (2022). One-Day Experiences of Nursing Students with Stoma Bags: Social and Emotional Learning Example: Stoma Bags Awareness Study. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 9(25), 121–128.


