Impact of Social Behavior on the Dynamic Spread Sars-Cov-2 in Lebanon According to the SIR Model

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  • Ali ElMoussaoui Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Branch 1), Lebanese University LU, Lebanon
  • Mohamad Hamieh Engineering and science department, Islamic University IUL, Lebanon
  • Hassan Ayoub Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Branch 1), Lebanese University LU, Lebanon
  • Hicham Abouday Engineering and science department, Islamic University IUL, Lebanon
  • Zeinab Hamie Faculty of Sciences (Branch 1), Lebanese University LU, Lebanon


Anahtar Kelimeler:

SIR Model, Data Analysis, Sars-Cov-2 spread, Population behavior, Infection transmission


Analyzing the dynamics of Sars-Cov-2 spread in the Lebanese society is what this article mainly aspires and points to, where the study was predicated on a compartmental model, namely SIR, the widely known model in epidemiology. SIR. (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) materializes a basic conceptional structure for theoretically investigating the virus spread and its dynamics within a community, through focusing on the interaction and communication between infected and recovered people. Consequently, providing the necessary attempts to overcome the epidemic, and diminishes its expansion to rescue lives. In which, limiting contact absolutely reduces the possibility of transmitting or contracting an infection. This investigation on a representative sample of the Lebanese population highlights the various drivers and dynamics of this proliferation. These drivers or factors clarify the behavior of the population (wearing a mask, washing their hands) in experiencing the epidemic crisis and their abuse for measures (safety distance, closures) adopted by the authorities to combat the epidemic. So, it turns out that the careless and incautious attitude of the Lebanese population, besides the unsatisfactory control to fulfill the government rules against the dynamics of virus spread was shown by the modeling of Sars-Cov-2 dynamics through the SIR model.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

ElMoussaoui, A., Hamieh, M., Ayoub, H., Abouday, H., & Hamie, Z. (2022). Impact of Social Behavior on the Dynamic Spread Sars-Cov-2 in Lebanon According to the SIR Model. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 9(24), 1–18.


