The Role of Enzymes in Wheat Plant Adaptation to Soil Salinity

Özet Görüntüleme: 83 / PDF İndirme: 82


  • Basti Asadova Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Baku, Azerbaijan


Anahtar Kelimeler:

wheat, stress, adaptation, abiotic factor, climate


The global climate changes occurring in the modern world have led to the aggravation of the ecological situation on earth, the development of stress factors such as drought and salinity, and the destruction of a number of valuable plant species, which may lead to serious difficulties in meeting people's demand for food products in the future. Therefore, the creation of new plant varieties and forms that are more productive and resistant to stress factors by using plant genotypes that are resistant to various stresses, including drought and salinity, that can be cultivated in unfavorable soil and climate conditions, is one of the urgent problems ahead.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Asadova, B. (2022). The Role of Enzymes in Wheat Plant Adaptation to Soil Salinity. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences, 9(23), 82–86.


